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Once a Club Kid, Always a Club Kid

Whether you attended summer camp, participated in a sports league, or engaged in any of our programs we want to reconnect with you. As an alumni, you are an important part of The Springfield Boys & Girls Club’s history and legacy.


We are still here, continuing to offer the club experience to the youth of Springfield aged 6-18, and making a positive impact in the community. Let’s reminisce, reconnect, and continue to support the next generation together. 


Tell Us Your Story

Attention all Springfield Boys Girls Club Alumni! Your memories and experiences hold the key to inspiring the next generation. Share your stories with us and be the role model you wished for when you were a club kid. Let’s create a legacy together that will impact lives for years to come!

Using the online form tell us more about you and your story at the Club and beyond.

Please consider filling out our survey!

Attention Springfield Boys & Girls Club Alumni! We want to hear from you. Your experiences at the club have shaped who you are today. Take a trip down memory lane and share your story with us. Reconnect with old friends and help us make the club even better by filling out our survey. Your voice matters, and your input will help us continue to provide a supportive and enriching environment for future generations. Join us in celebrating the impact of the Springfield Boys & Girls Club by sharing your unique journey.

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