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International Mind-Body Wellness Day

International Mind-Body Wellness Day is an opportunity to celebrate and learn how a healthy mind and emotions can help with a healthy body. There are many ways to work on your mind-body wellness. 

Author Jaya Jaya Myra a mind-body wellness expert developed the WELL method. 

The WELL method was created to help people create a positive healthy mindset. The framework for the method is as follows:

W- Work-life Harmony

E- Expect/ Enable Excellence

L- Live Your Purpose

L- Love Not Fear

Some activities for mind-body wellness

  1. Find your favorite mindful practice
  2. Get a good night’s sleep. Good sleep is foundational to lowering stress and keeping the body healthy. Aim to get a least 6-8 hrs a night. 
  3. Create daily routines that support strong inner prosperity. 

Positive routines can rewire your brain the mind craves consistency!

The event is finished.


Jan 03 2024


All Day